Child Safety & Well-being

Peace is committed to the safety, protection and well being of all children and young people from all forms of abuse and neglect, and actively seeks to prevent its occurrence. We make every effort to provide an environment of safety and support for all children and young people.

To ensure the safety of children and vulnerable people in our community, Peace has a comprehensive children and young people protection policy in place that will:


  • Carefully Recruit and train its Staff, Leaders and Volunteers,
  • Adopt and encourage safe ministry practices by its Staff, Leaders and Volunteers
  • Respond promptly to each concern raised about the behavior of its Staff, Leaders and Volunteers,
  • Offer pastoral support to any person who has suffered abuse, and
  • Provide supervision of and pastoral accountability (within the context of the ministries, locations and activities of the church) to any person (who is a member of the congregation and) who is known to have abused a child or another vulnerable person.